Signs You Could Benefit from Balloon Sinuplasty

Signs You Could Benefit from Balloon Sinuplasty

Are you suffering from persistent nasal congestion from a sinus infection that just won’t stop? Perhaps it’s taken weeks to resolve and your nasal passages still aren’t clear. Maybe this is one of several sinus infections you’ve had during the past year. Or, maybe it seems like as soon as you’re over one sinus infection, another one starts up. 

Board-certified otolaryngologist Nilesh Patel, MD, offers minimally invasive techniques to relieve chronic sinusitis. If you’re coping with this common problem, you may be a good candidate for a simple, minimally invasive procedure called balloon sinuplasty. You don’t have to live with episodic sinus infections and all of the bothersome symptoms they cause. 

What is balloon sinuplasty?

Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive procedure to open up your sinuses. Dr. Patel can perform the procedure right in the office with a local anaesthetic to prevent any discomfort. 

Using a catheter, Dr. Patel inserts a small, medical-grade balloon into your sinuses. Once it’s positioned, he gently inflates the balloon, which opens up your airways. Depending on how well your sinus cavity responds, he may repeat the procedure a few times. Once your sinuses are sufficiently open, he deflates the balloon and removes it. It’s that simple. 

One week later, you have a follow-up appointment so Dr. Patel can check your results with a nasal endoscopy. 

Am I a candidate for balloon sinuplasty? 

You may be a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty if you have some or all of the following conditions: 

Recurrent sinus infections 

Minor sinus infections may clear up with nasal sprays or drops. More severe infections require antibiotics. If your infections are hard to clear up even with antibiotics — or if they keep reoccurring despite your best efforts at prevention — you’re likely a good candidate for a balloon sinuplasty procedure. 

Sinus headaches and chronic pressure around the eyes 

Are you suffering frequent sinus headaches that cause heavy pressure around your eyes or behind your cheeks? If medication doesn’t always help, balloon sinuplasty may be your next best step. 

Breathing through your mouth instead of your nose 

Have you started breathing through your mouth instead of your nose? That’s not good for your long-term health. Think of your nose as you would a furnace filter in your home. The filter removes allergens, dust, and other particulate matter that you’d be breathing in without it. 

Your nose filters out allergens as well as acts as a humidifier for the air you breathe. Inhaling through your mouth bypasses your “nasal humidifier,” which can boost your risk of developing dry mouth and bad breath. Dry mouth can lead to tooth decay because you don’t have enough saliva to remove food debris and neutralize acids in bacteria. 

Balloon sinuplasty can open up your nasal passages so you can breathe normally once again.

Chronic nasal drip/mucus discharge 

Are you constantly wiping your nose because it’s dripping? Perhaps you can’t seem to get rid of nasal mucus. Or, maybe you always feel post-nasal drip running down — and irritating — your throat. Balloon sinuplasty may be able to alleviate your ongoing “nasal faucet” for good. 

Your balloon sinuplasty expert 

Are you ready to free yourself from the nasal symptoms that keep you feeling ill? We’re here to help. For long-lasting relief of chronic sinusitis, call or click online to schedule a visit at Nilesh Patel, MD, in Midtown, New York City, today. 

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