How to Tell if Your Child Has “Noisy Breathing”

How to Tell if Your Child Has “Noisy Breathing”

Breathing is a function of the autonomic nervous system, meaning it’s automatic, involuntary, and not something you normally think about. But what if you’ve started noticing that you can hear your child breathe? 

Your loved one may make a low sound akin to mild snoring, or they may be making a high-pitched sound like a whistle. If the sounds aren’t from temporary nasal congestion related to seasonal allergies or a respiratory infection, it’s time to see a specialist. 

Board-certified otolaryngologist Nilesh Patel, MD treats patients of all ages who are dealing with ear, nose, and throat disorders. With care and compassion, he can get to the root of your child’s noisy breathing, which may be a sign of a structural problem that’s affecting your child’s airway. Let’s take a closer look.

Symptoms of noisy breathing 

What’s termed “noisy breathing” by the medical community can cover a variety of sounds, and is often accompanied by other signs, such as: 

A high-pitched sound 

When your child takes a breath, do you sometimes (or frequently) hear a high-pitched sound like a squeak or a whistle? The technical term for this is stridor. It can be caused by a number of issues, including infection (i.e., croup) or structural problems. 


Does your child often talk with a hoarse or raspy voice? Persistent hoarseness should be investigated. This includes babies who sound hoarse or “raspy” when they cry. 

Difficulty eating or drinking 

If your infant spits up after feeding, seems to have difficulty swallowing, and/or fails to gain weight appropriately, call our office right away. They could have a problem with their larynx or another type of airway blockage. 

Changes in the body when breathing 

Normal breathing is a quiet process that doesn’t affect the body. Do you see your child’s nostrils flare when they breathe? Does the skin around their ribs retract when they take a breath? These are signs that their breathing should be investigated by a medical expert.

Diagnostic procedure to determine cause of noisy breathing 

Dr. Patel administers a laryngoscopy to diagnose the reason for your child’s noisy breathing, so he can develop a targeted treatment plan. A thin tube with an attached camera moves from the nose to the sinuses and the larynx, providing Dr. Patel with a full view of airway obstructions. 

If your child is near adolescence, they may be able to have a flexible laryngoscopy, meaning that Dr. Patel numbs the nasal passageway to avert discomfort. If your child is younger, they’ll likely be sedated during the procedure. 

Treatment for noisy breathing 

Treatment for noisy breathing depends on the underlying cause. If your child has an infection like croup, Dr. Patel prescribes medications. 

If it’s not an infection, your child could have a structural problem with the airway. Your infant may have “floppy larynx” which means tissue in the larynx is abnormally loose; this usually resolves in time and is a “watch-and-wait” situation. Your child could have an abnormally formed airway, a mass on their vocal cords, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, or other structural problem. These types of issues can typically be corrected with surgery.

Worried about noisy breathing? 

Does your child have noisy breathing? We can get to the bottom of the problem. Call or click online to schedule a visit at Nilesh Patel, MD, in Midtown, New York City, today.

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