How Long Does It Take for Balloon Sinuplasty to Relieve My Symptoms?

 How Long Does It Take for Balloon Sinuplasty to Relieve My Symptoms?

If you’ve had chronic sinusitis, you’re tired of the nasal congestion and inability to breathe. You may feel constant pressure around your nose and eyes. Antibiotics haven’t worked effectively. You’d really like to be able to smell your food again. 

Nilesh Patel, MD, board-certified otolaryngologist, provides relief for chronic sinusitis patients using a minimally invasive procedure called balloon sinuplasty

What happens during balloon sinuplasty?

You’ll need a family member or a friend to drive you to and from your balloon sinuplasty appointment. There’s no need to fear this minor procedure, though: you’ll receive a local anesthetic to relieve any discomfort. 

Dr. Patel prepares your nose by applying a topical decongestant. He sprays an anesthetic as well as applies pads soaked with an anesthetic inside your nose. Once it has taken effect, he removes the pads and injects more anesthetic into the nose tissue. 

Dr. Patel inserts a catheter to move a tiny balloon into your problem sinus area. He gently inflates the balloon for about five seconds, which opens your sinuses. You’ll feel a bit of pressure. Then he deflates the balloon and removes it from your nose. 

More than one sinus passage may need treatment; in that case, he repeats the procedure. 

Recovery after a balloon sinuplasty

You’ll rest for a few minutes after the procedure, and then you’re free to leave the office. Dr. Patel provides written post-procedure instructions. 

You might have a small gauze pad around your nose in case of any drips. You can change the pad as often as you need to. The drainage should stop within 48 hours. 

Your nose will be tender and may be a bit swollen for a few days. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever to relieve any discomfort during that period. You’ll also take an antibiotic as prescribed to prevent infection. You use a saline spray at least once daily until the follow-up visit. At that visit and subsequent follow-ups later, Dr. Patel performs a nasal endoscopy to ensure you’re healing appropriately. 

Sleeping with your head elevated helps prevent nasal congestion in the morning. Don’t blow your nose for at least 24-48 hours after the procedure or as Dr. Patel instructs. 

Recovery time from balloon sinuplasty is short. In most cases, you can resume your normal activities only one or two days after the procedure. Most patients report that symptoms abate just a few weeks after the balloon sinuplasty procedure. Being able to breathe freely is a relief.  

Call either of Dr. Patel’s offices in Midtown, New York City or book an appointment online for expert ear, nose, and throat care.

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