How Ear Infections Can Impact Your Long-Term Health

Has your ear ever been blocked by earwax or an infection? When it happens, everything sounds muffled. When someone speaks to you, it may sound as though they’re far away in a tunnel. 

Simply put, you can’t hear well. 

Ear infections don’t just affect your hearing — they can also change the trajectory for your long-term health. As a board-certified otolaryngologist who treats many types of ear, nose, and throat disorders at Nilesh Patel, MD, in Midtown, New York City, Dr. Patel is here to discuss the lesser-known health effects of ear infections. 

Three basic types of ear infections

There are several types of ear infections. Three of the most common are: 

Acute otitis media is common in children. Bacteria can spread to your child’s ear from a cold or sore throat. The middle ear swells, trapping fluid. Your child’s ear is painful. 

Fluid is supposed to drain through eustachian tubes to the back of your throat. Young children’s tubes are more horizontal so fluid sometimes doesn’t drain well. 

If your child suffers repeated attacks of acute otitis media, Dr. Patel can place tubes in your child’s ears to help them drain. The tubes are removed eventually and don’t harm your child. They can help save your child’s hearing. 

Adults can also get otitis media from seasonal allergies or a cold. 

How an ear infection can affect your long-term health

Following are ways that ear infections can impact your health or that of your child. 

Infection can spread to other parts of your body 

It’s important to have an ear infection diagnosed and treated promptly. As with any other type of infection, an untreated, lingering ear infection can spread to other areas of your body. 

Acute otitis media, a middle ear infection, can result in two serious health conditions if not treated: meningitis and mastoiditis. You’ve heard of meningitis. It’s an infection of tissue around your brain and spinal cord. Meningitis can be life-threatening. 

The same applies to mastoiditis, a bacterial infection of the bone behind your ear. Although it’s rare because of antibiotics, you can get mastoiditis from an untreated middle ear infection. Young children are the most vulnerable population. 

Problems with balance 

When you have an inner ear infection, you’re more likely to experience dizziness and have a problem with balance. If you don’t receive prompt treatment for an inner ear infection, you may experience balance issues for a significant period of time. 

Why? Because the infection can damage your vestibular system. While anyone is more at risk for falling and having accidents because of poor balance, seniors are especially vulnerable. 

Hearing loss, speech complications, and learning issues

Hearing loss is devastating for both children and adults. In children, hearing loss can have severe, lifelong consequences, leading to disabilities in speech and language and learning ability.  

Early childhood is the critical period when children are acquiring language skills. When they’re interrupted by hearing loss, the child is likely to have speech and language delays. 

Hearing loss can also impact a child’s ability to focus attention for learning. When your child has trouble following instructions, they may not succeed in the classroom, starting a downward spiral in school and lack of self-confidence. 

It’s also well-documented that seniors who experience hearing loss are more likely to experience cognitive decline as a result.  

Prompt, expert care for ear infections

If you or your child are experiencing ear pain or a blockage that causes muffled hearing, call the office of Dr. Nilesh Patel right away or book a same-day appointment online. We’ll be sure to fit you in promptly to diagnose and treat your ear disorder.

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