Do This Now If You Want to Avoid Sinusitis This Winter

Do This Now If You Want to Avoid Sinusitis This Winter

Are you prone to sinus problems? If you frequently get nasal congestion, you probably also suffer from sinusitis symptoms. They’re no fun. 

Winter will be here before you know it, and cold air can worsen your sinus issues. Board-certified otolaryngologist Dr. Nilesh Patel helps relieve sinusitis symptoms for many patients in Midtown, New York City and the surrounding area. 

While Dr. Patel has several methods of treating your sinusitis, following are proactive steps you can take to reduce your chances of suffering sinusitis symptoms. 

Keep nasal passages moist 

If you’re prone to sinusitis, adding a simple routine to your day can help prevent problems. You can purchase a simple saline nasal solution at your drug store and use it morning and night to irrigate and moisten your nasal passages. Alternatively, you can make a saline solution at home and fill a bulb syringe to gently irrigate each nostril.  

Use humidifiers

Cold air in the winter, both inside and outside, can dry out your nasal passages. Many furnaces pull in air from outdoors and then heat it. In winter, that air is dry, so your furnace dries out the air inside your house even further. 

When winter’s dry air hits your nasal passages, they can become inflamed, producing thick mucus when they don’t receive enough moisture. Now you have a stuffy nose, making it hard to breathe.  

When nature doesn’t provide enough humidity, you can amp it up with humidifiers. Your furnace may come equipped with a humidifier, and you can set the level for your comfort. You can also purchase inexpensive room humidifiers for your bedroom or office to help keep your nasal passages open. 

Keep allergies at bay 

When thinking of conditions that produce allergy symptoms, the first thing that comes to mind might be tree pollen in the spring or ragweed in the fall. However, winter also produces allergens. You’re spending more time indoors, and so are your pets, if you have them. 

Dander and dust are two common allergens. Along with dry air, they can produce symptoms that make you miserable. 

Does your furnace have a HEPA filter on it? HEPA filters should remove much of the dust, pollen, and pet dander in the air in your home. 

Your vacuum cleaner should also have a HEPA filter on it, which helps reduce the level of allergens in your house. Wearing a mask when vacuuming prevents dust from your carpets and floors seeping into your nasal passages. 

Vacuum and dust frequently. Don’t forget that dust accumulates on curtains, drapes, and blinds as well as on rugs and floors.

Finally, think of your pets as allergen producers. You love your pets, but perhaps you need pet-free zones in your home.

Treatments for sinusitis

When you visit our office, Dr. Patel performs tests to determine the cause of your sinusitis. That determines your course of treatment. Sinusitis can have a number of etiologies, from nasal polyps to a deviated septum. Dr. Patel explains the source of your nasal blockage and how he recommends treating it. 

If you have chronic sinusitis, you may need a minimally invasive procedure called a balloon sinuplasty or a turbinate reduction to open up clogged nasal passages. Dr. Patel performs a septoplasty to correct a deviated septum.  

Call Nilesh Patel, MD or book an appointment through our online portal for help for your sinusitis symptoms. We can help you breathe freely.

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